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Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece

£75.00 £62.50

RBSM - Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece

The Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece (RBSM) is included, factory-fitted, as standard with all new Inspiration units. 

At first you will find using a mouthpiece strap is strange but persevere and by dive 3 you will have mastered it’s use and you will appreciate the benefits.

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RBSM - Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece

The Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece (RBSM) is included, factory-fitted, as standard with all new Inspiration units. 

At first you will find using a mouthpiece strap is strange but persevere and by dive 3 you will have mastered it’s use and you will appreciate the benefits.

The RBSM is an added safety feature on the rebreather.

The strap provides extra assurance against mouthpiece loss and the flange provides an additional seal. The combination allows you to relax your jaw more, which is of great benefit on longer dives and ensures the mouthpiece bites last longer. Moulded in one piece it is easy to clean and disinfect. The swivel attachments to the flange allow the slap strap to be to located on the nape of the neck rather than on the crown of your head, which ensures the strap does not slide over your head on water entry. The neoprene slap strap provides elasticity and being made of neoprene ensures it does not interfere with your silicone mask strap.

The strap is tightened on either side by pulling forwards on the enlarged webbing tabs; pulling forwards being a more natural action and easier action than pulling backwards with your dive suit on. The strap is easily lengthened by pushing either left or right slider buckles backwards. On the right hand side is a quick release buckle which is great for quickly releasing the strap and for connecting it should you have forgotten to pop the strap over your head while kitting up.


For existing units we offer a factory-fit service at no-cost (other than postage).

Alternatively, this kit includes a cable-tie for the diver to retrofit the RBSM to their existing unit themselves.

NOTE: If you intend to fit the RBSM yourself, please be aware of the following warning:

WARNING: The cable-tie MUST be properly applied with a cable-tie gun to the correct tension of 165N.

DO NOT attempt to hand-tighten the cable-tie or to use pliers or other grips, which may damage the rubber and runs a serious risk of not fitting the mouthpiece securely.

See the RB Safety Mouthpiece Fitting Instruction video online here:

RBSM Fitting Instruction Video


Rebreather Safety Mouthpiece

The new design RBSM offers great security and comfort.

The head-strap holds the mouthpiece firmly in position allowing for a very relaxed grip on the bite and significantly reducing jaw fatigue on longer dives.

The crucial safety benefit is that the RBSM greatly increases the likelihood that the diver will remain on the loop in the event of going unconscious for whatever reason. Correctly fitted, the RBSM will help protect the airway, help prevent water aspiration, loop flood and loss of buoyancy – effectively delaying drowning and buying time for the situation to be recovered. The RBSM also reduces the task-load on a rescue diver who does not have to hold the mouthpiece in place during the rescue.

Key Design Improvements:

  • Soft Rubber Mouthpiece with a Lip-Guard providing an improved seal.
  • Comfortable Neoprene Head-strap.
  • Easy-adjust 25mm webbing straps with a quick-release snap connector and adjustment tabs at the rear.
  • Swivel connectors to the mouthpiece.

Mouthpiece with Lip-Guard

The comfort mouthpiece is a one-piece elastomer moulding with a lip-guard flange.

  • The shaped lip-guard is a key element in the improvement to comfort and security.
  • It helps provide a seal, which together with the comfort head-strap, allows you to relax your jaw, so you no longer need to bite down on the lugs – greatly reducing jaw fatigue.
  • A lighter grip on your mouthpiece also decreases the wear on this part, increasing longevity.
  • The single moulded part is easy-to-clean and with no dirt-traps, it is both more hygienic and more secure than a two part glued/vulcanised mouthpiece.

Neoprene Headstrap

We have gone for a “slap-strap” style design providing comfort, stretch and easy fitting.

  • The neoprene is easily distinguishable from your rubber mask-strap and importantly, it is easy to slide on and off your head over these straps without snagging.
  • Ideally worn below the crown of the head - effectively at the back of the neck - it absolutely clamps the mouthpiece in place and will not slide off when you jump in.
  • Properly fitted, it offers great psychological security, knowing that you can’t lose your mouthpiece.

Rear Adjustment Webbing with Quick-release

We have designed the adjustment at the rear of the strap instead of the front. You tighten the straps by pulling the webbing tabs forward against the resistance of your head.

  • Easy to tighten and prevents pulling on the mouthpiece itself.
  • The adjustment tabs are out-of-the-way at the rear, not dangling near your mouth.
  • The large webbing tabs are easy-to-locate and use, even with thick gloves.
  • Easy-to-find slider buckles on either side make it simple to slacken off.
  • A 25mm snap connector allows for quick-release and removal of the RBSM.
  • The RBSM can be fitted so that the quick-release is on the left side of the head, if preferred by left-handed divers.

Swivel Hinges

 Small design features that make a big difference:

  • The swivel hinges connecting the mouthpiece to the head-strap allow it to be worn at different angles - with the neoprene strap in your preferred position - without scrunching or distorting the mouthpiece.


Please Note: It is important to practice all the above drills routinely both before and after entering the water to be able to locate the adjustment and release mechanisms with whatever gloves you use. Also, be aware that the strap may need tightening slightly at depth due to compression of the neoprene and your hood.

The starting point for mouthpiece comfort is always to have your hose weights adjusted correctly and your breathing hoses cut to the right lengths so that the mouthpiece sits in your mouth without tension. The RB Safety Mouthpiece offers additional protection against jaw fatigue.

The RBSM can be fitted:

  • to the rigid post of the AP standard white mouthpiece or
  • to the rigid post of the AP Open Circuit Bailout (OCB) mouthpiece.


This kit includes a cable-tie for the diver to retrofit the RBSM to their existing unit themselves.

NOTE: If you intend to fit the RBSM yourself, please be aware of the following warning:

WARNING: The cable-tie MUST be properly applied with a cable-tie gun to the correct tension of 165N.

You MUST NOT attempt to hand-tighten the cable-tie or to use pliers or other grips, which may damage the rubber and runs a serious risk of not fitting the mouthpiece securely.

See the RB Safety Mouthpiece Fitting Instruction video online here:

RBSM Fitting Instruction Video

We also offer a factory-fit service at no-cost (other than postage).

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