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RB160 Rebreather Mouthpiece (DSV) Service Kit

£14.40 £12.00

RB160KIT - Service Kit for the RB160 Rebreather Mouthpiece (DSV or Dive/Surface Valve)

Complete set of replacment O-Rings and silicone mushroom valves for the RB160 DSV.


A bespoke tool RBTOOL22 is required to remove the blue inhale insert without damage.

RBTOOL22 Rebreather Mouthpiece Tool | Buy
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RB160KIT - Service Kit for the RB160 Rebreather Mouthpiece (DSV or Dive/Surface Valve)

Complete set of replacment O-Rings and silicone mushroom valves for the RB160 DSV.


A bespoke tool RBTOOL22 is required to remove the blue inhale insert without damage.

RBTOOL22 Rebreather Mouthpiece Tool | Buy Here


Rebreather Mouthpiece (DSV) RB160 Maintenance Manual V1.0- English | Download



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