PARTNERS IN DIVING"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." – African Proverb

AP Diving agreed to partner & promote D4D at the BOOT Show, Düsseldorf, January 2024.
Dive4Diadema – Citizen Science Underwater
A mass extinction is taking place right now. The citizen science project Dive4Diadema is searching for the last of the diadem sea urchins in the Mediterranean and Red Sea. With your help we want to investigate the disappearance of the sea urchin Diadema setosum and document its presence or absence in the Mediterranean and Red Sea.
Join us and be part of the citizen science project Dive4Diadema!

Why they are so important?
Sea urchins are one of the most important animal groups in the coral reefs of the Red Sea. They feed on algae and are therefore the “lawnmowers” of the reefs. As grazers, they restrict algal growth, clearing up space for larval settlement of other species and restraining algal proliferation that may outcompete slower growing organisms, such as corals.

Where do they live?
They are native to the Red Sea, on the African east coast and in the western Indo-Pacific… [they] invaded from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean basin through the Suez Canal in 2006, and, currently, is among the established non-indigenous species of the basin.
Sea urchins in danger!
Now, in the spring of 2023, a mass mortality event of Diadema setosum has begun in the Mediterranean Sea and it is quickly spreading into the Red Sea.
Join us and be part of the citizen science project DIVE4DIADEMA today!
All recreational divers are encouraged to report their observations seen during their dives. There is a free, multilingual app for iPhone, iPad und Android smartphones & tablets. Every observation of live and dead diadem sea urchins helps us to learn more about the current mass mortality. Even if no sea urchins are seen on the dive, this is important information to report. Dive4Diadema is a joint effort of recreational divers, dive centres, tour operators training organizations and scientific institutions. Only together can we manage to find and save the last occurrences of the black, long-spined diadem sea urchin.

AP Diving is proud to support the excellent work of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue by supplying and subsidising the cost of the seal rescue bags made from the same materials we use to manufacture our BCD and rebreather ranges.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) was formed in 1988, when a few like minded divers got together in response to the mass mortality of Harbour seals in the Wash area of East Anglia, to do what they could for the rescue effort.
Since then BDMLR volunteers have been involved in the rescue of many hundreds of seals and have become progressively more involved with the response to stranded cetaceans in the UK.
Every year, BDMLR trains over 400 volunteer Marine Mammal Medics and has 20 whale rescue pontoons located at strategic points throughout the UK, waiting to help stranded whales and dolphins.
BDMLR is a registered charity, number 803438 in England and Wales, and SC039304 in Scotland.

AP Diving is proud to support the Save Our Seas Foundation – a Swiss organisation dedicated to supporting research, education and awareness of the plight of our greatest natural resource.
The Save Our Seas Foundation has been intensively utilising the Inspiration since 1998 and smaller custom units since 2001. The 25 rebreathers we have in operation have provided our team of scientists, researchers and cameramen the invaluable ability to silently observe, research, study and film the natural behaviour of marine animals around the Globe for the last seven years. The new vision integrated electronics, CO2 sensor, dive computer and download software incorporated in the Evolution [Inspiration EVO] now provide our operation even greater flexibility and control over our dives.
Chris Clarke - Executive Director, Save Our Seas Foundation

Sharing the knowledge and encouraging education is important to us. Each year we accept students from Loughborough University’s Industrial Design and Technology Degree course. By coordinating with the University over the years and standardising the software and processes, selected students come to AP for the third year of their degree course well prepared to hit-the-ground-running.
The students get better and better every year. They come to us completely proficient in Pro Engineer and work productively as part of our R&D team almost from the 1st day they arrive
Martin Parker – MD, AP Diving
There's nothing like practical experience to compliment what you learn at University!
Alex Wall, now the Research & Development Manager at AP Diving