Here's a good 50th Staff Challenge by Inspiration Customer Service & Sales guru (the-voice-of-AP) - Zoe Caines.
Zoe and her friend Ian are doing the OPERATION BLETCHLEY challenge throughout July to raise money for ABF The Soldiers' Charity.
This involves walking a total of 50 miles (logged on Strava) in the month and solving Code-breaking Tasks which pop up every 5 miles or so on the journey.
The Mission is to complete the distance - the equivalent of walking from Bletchley Park to the War Office - and solve all the puzzles by the end of July, which will allow her to decipher a final message and deliver it to Churchill and the War Cabinet.
YOU CAN FOLLOW ZOE & IAN's PROGRESS ON THEIR FUND-RAISING PAGE HERE: https://operationbletchley.everydayhero.com/uk/blood-sweat-beers

So here's the first leg... a 4.8 mile walk before work, starting at 6am in the morning!

Morning walk before work - 9th July

Updates will be posted here and on Zoe's page:
Any donations you feel you can make are gratefully received, with thanks.